
According to the American Psychological Association, bullying is a form of aggressive behavior in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words, or more subtle actions. 


This word is nowhere in the dictionary. In fact, it was invented by me after I encountered bullygans while working in a certain organization a few years ago. I realized that a victim of bullying can be exposed to negative actions repeatedly and over time from one or more people. And typically involves a power imbalance between the bullygans and the one being bullied. Bullyganism is violent, unacceptable or intolerable behavior by despicable bullygans.

Why do bullygans bully?

There are different reasons why bullygans bully. It can be caused by differences in race, personalities, disabilities and abilities, beauty with brain, religion, feelings of insecurity or jealousy. One of the main reasons why bullygans bully others is because themselves have been the victim of bullyganism. Those who have experienced bullying first hand are more likely to engage in bullyganism. This is often because they never learned how to cope with their own feelings of pain and insecurity, so the only way they deal with it, is to take it out on others. Bullygans often do so because they feel threatened. Some bullygans bully because they enjoy the feelings of power and control it gives them. They often do so to make another person feel bad at any given moment.

How do we stop the bullygans? 

We are living in a world full of people with unmet needs, feelings and emotions, hence resulting into bullygans whose their main intent is to practice the bullyganism. Once all these unmet needs, feelings and emotions are addressed and dealt with, bullyganism is most likely to be stopped, and bullygans will be able to see the world around them a better place to be. Together we can stop the bullyganism.