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In my personal opinion, racism is a contagious disease. It's as contagious as HIV/AIDS, Ebola or COVID-19. Racism, as a disease, it affect all people regardless of the race, gender, status etc. For many years now, people throughout the world have been fighting racism just as they have been fighting HIV/AIDS and other forms of viral diseases. It's a virus that has continued to divide people based on the color of our skins. The problem doesn't seem to get better because it's ingrained in many systems and structures.


Ever since our earth faced a series of giants, including Imperialism, Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and Colonialism, our world has continued to fight against other giants that most of us don't even know about, because they are so many. Some of these giants are highlighted in the image above. The roots of racism lie in the slavery and colonialism. The disease has continued to affect the lives of not only dark-skinned individuals, but also light-skinned.


Racism is a generational trauma that has continued to haunt the human race. We don't know where we are headed with this contagious disease. The only thing we can do, is to do the right thing when it comes to handling this dangerous illness that has continued to separate us based on the color of our skins. The bad thing we can ever do, is to do the wrong thing. Remaining silent and ignoring the victim of racism is the worst thing we can ever do.